Raving Fans
I Decided… It’s Time to Start Working on Myself – I Have to Be Stronger for My Son!
Before starting my one-on-one work with Denise, I realized that deep down I didn’t feel happy. I looked happy outside, but inside there was a deep sadness. I felt broken inside; I felt like, “I’m not good enough.” I was confused, afraid, lacking in confidence, and missing joy in my life. I was wondering “How is all this going to affect my son?” I WANT to be happy and I know my son WANTS me to be happy too. So, I decided it’s time to start working on myself – I have to be stronger for my son! But I didn’t know how to do it on my own – I tried, but it just didn’t work. It takes somebody, like a Coach, to get you there. Even though the unknown is scary, and I felt nervous at first starting the Empowerment Journey, I was happy to have Denise as my trusted Coach to lovingly guide me every step of the way.
At first, I didn’t even know what I wanted, but working with Denise, I began to see things more clearly and live in my joy more of the time. When we had sessions together, and Denise shared her different perspective and her own experiences, it helped me to feel, “I’m Okay, there’s nothing wrong with me!” Now, I’m being true to myself, more authentic, and sharing with my partner what’s on my mind. I started by doing nice things for myself. I got back into the gym – attending Zumba and U-Jam dance classes – SO FUN and high energy! I met nice people there. I then began taking classes to learn new skills, applied and was hired at my son’s school, and am excited to learn, grow, and invest in myself – knowing this is also an investment in my son’s future.
I now feel more confident, powerful and more joyful and know that no matter what options I take or decisions I make, I’ll be joyful on my journey. I’ve learned to be more authentic, being the best version of myself, and know that when I’m brave enough, I make great decisions! Denise is compassionate, understanding, inspiring, genuine, sincere, honest, open, kind, and AMAZING and I appreciate how she taught me that learning to trust in yourself more helps bring the best life you can have!
Celia, Founding Mama, Special Needs Connection Membership Group, Milpitas, California
I Feel More Powerful, Happy, and Content
Denise is a very inspiring, knowledgeable, and highly effective Life & Parent Coach.
Before working with Denise, things were very cloudy and murky for me. I felt out of touch with myself; so stressed, anxious and dysregulated, which was affecting everything! I was less patient with my girls, more irritable and guilty, feeling disconnected from my husband, and more like a fraud. I was confused about the direction I wanted to take my business; what I wanted to do, who I wanted to work with, and how to incorporate my book. I knew I had a lot of gifts but was frustrated thinking about how it would all fit together; I was indecisive and not using my talents out of fear.
Since working with Denise, I feel more powerful, happy, and content. I know I’m being who I want to be now, more authentically myself and inspired. I haven’t felt those negative emotions (like I did before) and I’m not as afraid of what other people might say or think… I’m no longer afraid to be heard. I’m getting excited because, with Denise’s guidance, I got clear on who specifically I want to help, what I want to teach, and how much to charge. I no longer feel completely out of control – I’m “Fun Mommy” now 6/7 days a week (where before it was only 1/7). I feel confident, free, and like I’m finally moving forward.
Kristi Crowell Ellis, SLP, Speech Therapist, Author, Mother of Two/One with ADHD, Dallas, Texas
I Came to Denise as a Hot Mess…
Denise Carbon is a special woman who, through her innovative approach to helping people by lifting them higher and extending great compassion along the way, is able to accomplish much for her clients in fast time.
During each session, Denise holds a loving and accepting space for you to be simply you. She is knowledgeable and has a hearty tool bag of creative techniques that she uses to bring her clients to not only a place of feeling like “I got this” but also healed at the same time.
I came to Denise as a hot mess, my life had fallen apart as I knew it and was full of trauma, hurt, and angst. She helped me and my son by listening to my struggles and teaching me simple modifications that made big differences. At the same time, she helped me heal myself and that has helped me be the empowered mom and woman I want to be. She has the knowledge, skills and confidence to aid in a vast array of life challenges and does so capably serving all ages.
Denise is so positive and passionate about what she does that her work comes from the heart and is never short of being almost magical…
Jessica & Alonso, Santa Cruz, California
You Can’t Keep Her Down!
That was an awesome Parent Empowerment Session! I’m feeling so at peace and certain, and like I want to celebrate my family. WE get to choose our own future, and we get to define success for ourselves. It doesn’t matter what Faith’s assessments say because any gaps in her development are only temporary.
YOU CAN’T KEEP HER DOWN! She will bloom into an awesome badass butterfly one day!!! And I get to watch it happen! You have made such an awesome impact on my life, Denise. Today made me realize I’m not an expendable and obsolete person now that my kids are here to replace me – I’m actually the most important piece of the puzzle!! My new mantra is, “You can’t handle this much AWESOMENESS!” I guess the subconscious (NLP) work is taking effect!
Chanlee Sutoyo, Badass Awesome Mother & Home Schooler of 2, Alhambra, California
She Helped Me Step Into Confidence and Empowerment!
Thanks to guided inner work with Denise, I was able to shift the limiting beliefs, values and behaviors that were keeping me stuck in life. She helped me step into confidence and empowerment so I could make successful steps forward towards financial freedom and the abundance of life.
I realized it was time to come out, to be visible, to get out of my own way and stand in truth. It is freeing to have action items towards success and Denise was instrumental in my personal evolution.
Now I know I can do anything! It’s a relief that I can trust my intuition and heart. I’m being an open, loving, connected person who is approachable and who people want to connect with.
Barb Magee, Entrepreneur and Founder of The Local Dish, Ashland, Oregon
Definitely One of the Best!
When we first got the diagnosis of autism, it was overwhelming. Not just the knowledge, but dealing with the regional center, insurance, and therapies. Denise was incredibly helpful in navigating those mazes. She told me about services I didn’t even know were available. Over the course of nearly three years, my son encountered dozens of therapists, and Denise was definitely one of the best! She is knowledgeable, engaging, and fun. Toby had a confusing tangle of sensory issues, and she was able to untangle his various needs and show me how to help him. In addition to my son, I got to see Denise work with many other children, and she understands how to bring out the best in a wide range of children with different struggles and different personalities. Not only is Denise good for children, she’s also good for parents. Sometimes I fell into the trap of only seeing my son’s deficiencies, and Denise was excellent at gently reminding me of his many wonderful qualities. Plus, we just spent so much time laughing together, which is an excellent way to cope with the stress of parenting a special needs child.
A Very Grateful Mom, Redwood City, California
He Has Improved in So Many Ways!
Denise is very experienced and I consider her a phenomenal expert in working with children who have developmental needs. Self-feeding was a big challenge for my 4-year-old son. Before working with Denise, he would only drink water from a syringe or spoon. Since working with Denise, he has made significant improvements in this area. She has introduced and recommended a number of different cups to help my son drink. He is now able to drink from a special straw cup Denise recommended.
Denise has opened my eyes on so many ways to help my son develop communication through everyday activities. Watching how quickly she can come up with ideas to get my son engaged in preferred and non-preferred activities has taught me how much more I can help my son.
Denise, it was so wonderful to work with you and we are so glad we proceeded with it. I agree, he has improved in so many ways since you have been working with us—thank you!
Tricia Yonemitsu, San Mateo, California
Bye-Bye Diapers!
Adam is doing amazingly. For weeks now, he has not wet his pants ONCE. Not. Once. Poop is still an issue for him since he struggles with constipation and mild CP but he obviously “gets it.” The one big poop he has had recently was in the potty! He’s doing really well at saying he has to go to the potty, waiting till we get to one, sitting on the john and peeing.
You were right and he’s SO proud of himself! So happy to finally potty train our son. Thanks!
Jenny & Mark, Redwood City, California
The Tools to Express Himself
I can’t recommend Denise highly enough for the help she gave our family. She helped our little guy out of his shell, gave him the tools to express himself, handle a toddler’s life challenges, and connect better with us and his peers. He’s maturing a lot, we (and he) are much better able to handle his apprehensions now, his tantrums have decreased tremendously, and we’re getting ready to enroll him in Transitional Kindergarten. Denise helped us to get to know and understand our son better, and for that we’re eternally grateful!
Thanks so much for everything!
Ted & Jennifer, Redwood City, California
He’s Really Listening & Following Directions
I’m setting the boundaries now and he’s doing so beautifully! Things are not a big deal anymore and he’s listening all the time. He’s like a different kid now – he’s more calm – I can’t believe it’s only been a month! And he’s proud of himself. He’s such a different boy now. He seems more grown up and he’s really listening and following directions. Thank you for being so professional and so sincere.
Dolly, Emerald Hills, California
Gift from the Heavens!
Dear Denise – you were a gift from the heavens! Thank you so much for your support. Without even realizing it, my husband and I are really talking about many things and this happened after we both talked with you. Who would have thought that talking together with someone else (who has an impartial view) would bring us closer together. The kids are doing better and little by little “Sam” is learning to keep his tantrums away while “Mikey” is trying to do things faster. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!
Eva, Redwood City, California
Always Understanding, Caring and Very Sensitive
I was extremely lucky to have the chance to meet and work with Denise. As a new parent of a child with Special Needs, I was very stressed, sad and confused much of the time. Denise always had a smile and encouraging words. She was always understanding, caring and very sensitive to the needs of all parents in her group and classroom. While she doesn’t have a special needs child herself, she was somehow able to put herself in our shoes and see through our eyes. In my experience that is a very unusual gift. She was always very patient, compassionate and never judgmental or pitying. She was very attuned to our emotions in group and was able to move the topic elsewhere, as needed.
Windy Twelves, Sunnyvale, California
Early Intervention is the Key
My son, Alexander, is a 5 yr. old boy with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, and global developmental delays. He is not able to walk independently, he can only pronounce a few words, and he has a g-tube. We noticed that something was not right shortly after his birth. Since then, it has been an ongoing battle, from learning about his current and future needs, to learning how to cope with the community around us. It has changed our lives forever. My son has to face special challenges and needs extra help.
After working with Denise our lives have changed forever. We now know the best ways to care for Alexander, how to support and promote his development. We have learned that early intervention is the key in making a tremendous difference during the first years of Alexander’s life. We have also learned how to seek for adequate services that are necessary for his improvement. Having the support from a knowledgeable person like Denise makes you feel confident because you know that she will be there to guide you to the best interest of your child.
Thanks to Denise’s support and information, we know how to fight for Alexander’s rights, services, and related equipment. Alexander has all the necessary equipment to help him give out the best from him. He has a special stroller and a walker that helps him get where he wants to go with minimal support from an adult.
Having the support from Denise and knowing that she is there when you are lost is the best support that we all can ever have.
Jessenia Solorio, East Palo Alto, California
A Constant String of Challenges
I have a son that suffers from extreme behaviours and violent tendencies. His childhood has been a constant string of challenges. Thank God for Denise. She was able to help me learn ways to help keep him safe, me safe and bring some calm to our chaos so we could feel more like a family again! I would have gone out of my mind! Thanks Denise!
A Grateful Mom, San Mateo, California
On the Autism Spectrum?
When we learned that my grandson might be ‘on the spectrum,’ we were devastated. Then we were put in touch with Denise. We enrolled in her Early Invervention Classroom and were so pleased and relieved. Denise provided us with models of behavior that helped him come out of his shell and participate. When things got hard, Denise was there to give us both advice and encouragement. Now he’s an amateur “birder” living in Tokyo, speaking fluent Japanese, and keeping detailed records of birds in both languages! This gramma is so grateful!
Diane Means, San Jose, California
Your Search is Over
Inevitably you are reading this because you are considering Ms. Denise Carbon in some capacity related to early childhood developmental issues. In sum, your search is over. Ms. Carbon is not only a professional, well-educated specialist but she is a wonderful, caring, loving person.
I had the privilege of working with Ms. Carbon for 2 years while I was caring for a little boy. I was his nanny and his parents were not able to participate in his every day issues as much as they would have liked. So they left me in charge to make sure that their child was getting the best of care. After 2 years of services, he had grown and matured into a well developed little boy.
If I had the means and the need to use Ms. Carbon on a private basis, I would not hesitate to hire her. You will never find any better in the field.
Cheryl Bissey, San Jose, California
Group Facilitator
Denise mediated our discussion group of parents of toddlers receiving early intervention services as the perfect group facilitator. She was easy to talk to and helped families as well as children. We especially appreciated her empathy, respect, and thoughtful contributions, which made the group a comfortable place to share our successes and discuss our challenges. She was also knowledgeable about and helpful in guiding us toward the resources available to us as parents.
Marco and Rachel Matta, Menlo Park, California
Devoted Child Advocate
Denise Carbon is a caring and devoted child advocate. She has given me great advice, direction and support as my kids have grown over the years. I’m so grateful to have her in our lives!
Laura Cazalet, Campbell, California
Every Day was a Struggle
Before meeting Denise and getting connected to other families facing similar obstacles, every day was a struggle. I didn’t know what I needed, but Denise was able to help me, and our whole family by guiding us to resources and ensuring our son was getting the services he needed to grow and develop into the amazing little boy he is today!
Jana, Santa Clara, California